Learning Generalizable Feature Fields for Mobile Manipulation

1UC San Diego, 2CMU, 3MIT 4IAIFI

*Indicates equal contribution

TLDR: Real-time Generalizable Feature Fields enable Mobile Manipulation


An open problem in mobile manipulation is how to represent objects and scenes in a unified manner so that robots can use it both for navigating in the environment and manipulating objects. The latter requires capturing intricate geometry while understanding fine-grained semantics, whereas the former involves capturing the complexity inherited to an expansive physical scale. In this work, we present GeFF (Generalizable Feature Fields), a scene-level generalizable neural feature field that acts as a unified representation for both navigation and manipulation that performs in real-time. To do so, we treat generative novel view synthesis as a pre-training task, and then align the resulting rich scene priors with natural language via CLIP feature distillation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach by deploying GeFF on a quadruped robot equipped with a manipulator. We evaluate GeFF’s ability to generalize to open-set objects as well as running time when performing open-vocabulary mobile manipulation in dynamic scenes.

Piloting Study: Generalizable NeRFs as a Pre-training Proxy

Even without explicit semantic supervision, generalizable NeRFs implicitly acquire geometric and semantic priors (grouping similar structures), which we further enhance in GeFF. Feature visualizations are done by PCA on rendered features on ScanNet.

Method Overview

Pre-trained as a generalizable NeRF encoder, GeFF provides unified scene representations from onboard RGB-D stream, offering both real-time geometry and language-grounded semantics. Compared to LERF, GeFF runs in real-time without costly per-scene optimization.

Open-vocabulary Mobile Manipulation

Building upon 2D vision foundation models, GeFF generalizes to diverse real-world indoor and outdoor scenes and objects.
*Features fields visualization reflects real FPS on the mobile robot.

Collecting an empty blue bottle coffee cup and toss it in a recycling bin.

Picking up a bottle in the woods.

Cleaning food warps from an outdoor patio.

Placing used packaging to trash bin in an office.

Picking up a bottle of car glass cleaner from the trunk.

Recycling a plastic bottle in a university lounge.

Case study: capabilities of GeFF

We study what GeFF representations can do on various applications, including classical problems such as dynamic obstacle avoidance and narrow passage traversal, as well as more challenging tasks such as open-vocabulary semantic-aware planning on our quadruped robot.

Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance

The robot avoids a person who walks into the path with feature fields updated in real time.

Narrow Passage Traversal

The robot goes through a narrow doorway with geometric representations from GeFF.

Geometry-only Path Planning

The robot takes the shortest path and step over the lawn to the target object.

Semantic-aware Path Planning

GeFF assigns higher affordances for lawn and keeps the robot on the walkway.


      title={Learning Generalizable Feature Fields for Mobile Manipulation},
      author={Ri-Zhao Qiu and Yafei Hu and Ge Yang and Yuchen Song and Yang Fu and Jianglong Ye and Jiteng Mu and Ruihan Yang and Nikolay Atanasov and Sebastian Scherer and Xiaolong Wang},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.07563},